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VOTD: Amanda Cook Band “Goodbye to the Blues”

Written by on May 8, 2024

The song “Goodbye to the Blues” has a rich history and conveys deep emotions through music. Although the exact origins of the title are unclear, the theme of overcoming sadness through music is common in blues and related genres.

Several notable versions of the song include “Say Goodbye to the Blues” by the Walter Trout Band on their 1990 album “Prisoner Of A Dream,” which pays tribute to Stevie Ray Vaughan. This song captures the essence of the blues, which often expresses the hardships of life and provides a form of catharsis.

Another version of the song, “Goodbye To The Blues,” was released by The Lynn Morris Band in 2003 on their album “Shape Of A Tear.” This track also uses music to express and overcome the difficulties of life.

Here’s the Amanda Cook Band from a few years back to share their rendition of “Goodbye to the Blues.”


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